
i have loved food and brands and packaging since i was young.

Anyone that knows me will be aware that i collect sweet wrappers and cereal boxes and kinds of food related packaging

Like many other i suffer badly with my mental health and getting lost in a project like this really helps me, and hopefully may make a few others laugh along the way.

Speaking as a food geek - i love Iceland, it allows me to access food that i years ago i would never dream of eating, yet along being able to afford it and cook it myself.

my safe place is a supermarket - and i can often be found in Iceland at Breton, seeing whats new, and looking for exciting options for dinner this was written as a homage to the amazing Iceland foods and as a thank you for what they have give the public over the last 50 years

thank you once again for everything

i love you Malcom walker

JJ - Lucia-wright

writer of Iceland the musical
and food nerd

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